Mochas with Adult Children (MAC)

Welcome to the next phase of Motherhood after Tweens and Teens!  You celebrated your child’s 18th birthday!  Congratulations!  You no longer need to be a "hands-on" mom because that child has finally reached adulthood.  As an adult, he can run his own life and handle his own business without your help, input and intervention. Right?  Well, not so fast.  Your child may be an adult, but you are still a mom.  The day-to-day tasks that you perform as a mom may have changed, but make no mistake, you are still Mom and you are still needed.  Your child may no longer be "in your hair" every day, but he is still "on your heart" and that will never change. 

If you have entered this phase of motherhood (or will enter it shortly), you may benefit from meeting some fellow Mochas who can relate to where you are in life.  Being a mom with adult children comes with a unique set of challenges and who better than your Mocha sisters to help you navigate through that season of your mothering journey.

This is a private network that is available to current members of Mocha Moms, Inc. only. To join or renew your membership, please click here.

If you have any questions, please contact

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